A powerful blend of spoken-word therapy and the profound healing power of somatics. Cultivate alignment, insight, resilience and deep personal empowerment. Your journey, in your hands.

CLARITY, RESILIENCY, PURPOSE, POWER. These are intrinsic qualities. Aspects of your physical, mental and emotional well-being that come online when you are fully integrated across mind, body and nervous system.

YOUR BASE-STATE. Natural, systemic, emotionally and somatically hard-wired. Arising from ease rather than effort and available to everyone, irrespective of past experience or current challenge.

IMAGINE A PLACE WHERE YOU FEEL DEEPLY SAFE AND DEEPLY RESOURCED. Connected, energised and harmonised, internally and within your wider context. With the self-compassion, perspective and adaptability to see your challenges truthfully, identify their roots and choose consciously how to navigate them. That life is available - and the pathway is simpler than you might think.

1:1 Coaching Partnership

12-week, in-depth Coaching Partnership, supporting and enhancing your mental, physical and nervous system health

10x personalised 1:1 sessions, delivered online/in-person across a range of target modalities

Ongoing access to written and audio resources that deepen learning in your own time

Between-session support throughout your journey via email / phone

Group Programme

8-week, live immersive group coaching programme

Max 10x participants for the optimal learning experience

Teaching the fundamentals of the Embodiment Technique, empowering clients to experience, embed and reap the benefits of these practices in their own personal and professional lives

Available as a corporate team training - Contact Us to find out more

Special Events

Bespoke and Group Events - guiding participants on movement integration, meditation, somatic release and mindset optimisation

Local & International Retreats & Workshops

Tailored experiences for corporate teams and executives - Contact Us to find out more

AS A MENTOR AND COACH, I’ve dedicated my career to enhancing well-being through insight-driven mind & body techniques

Supporting personal and professional transformation is my absolute passion. Whether working with the thinking mind, emotional history or physical body, the process for healing, re-wiring and unleashing potential centres on integration: building the awareness, connection, objectivity and confidence to move toward an aligned future. So much of what blocks us is not our raw capability but the blend of understanding, belief & action required for deep, sustainable change.


Combining the cathartic, insight-oriented beauty of spoken-word coaching, with somatic practices that go far beneath the thinking mind - with its biases, blind-spots and defences against change. The Embodiment Technique works with our core biological and emotional wiring; taking the experiencer out of an activated, sympathetic nervous system (where most of us live / “manage life” unconsciously), and into the Ventral Vagal State and Parasympathetic Nervous System. These are the zones for cellular repair, homeostasis, executive thinking and emotional regulation. 

Dysregulation, disconnection and ingrained belief lie at the heart of almost all the issues we experience. The willingness to go inwards and take aligned action from there, is the universal gateway to growth. And it is your growth - personal, professional and physical - that is on offer here. With that, a different way of seeing, being in and experiencing the world.

You have infinite capacity to deepen and expand your experience, whatever brings you to the practice. The gateway is only the openness and courage to take that first step. To find out more and book a free 30-minute consultation, please be in touch; I’d love to support your journey forward.

Re-wire mind and body to work with you, for you

We become that which we tune in to. Once you know that, and can understand & process your unique blueprint, you have the power to choose. To re-pattern, re-align not just who you are, but how you want to live.

“Of all the therapies I’ve had, our sessions have been the most insightful. I feel my growth, my resiliency and my ability to both process the past and move confidently forward.

Meeting Anthea has been this year’s gift.”